At first, whenever you contemplate regarding the Philippines, the facts that occur in your head are often tropical islands, having a nice vacation and, of course, wonderful females. But does reality compare to that?
I have traveled to the Pinoy land, I got to comprehend the locals, so, I’ve had the occasion to drill down further in their society and “behind the scenes” of the proclaimed incredible islands.
The outcomes were not so excellent. The manner in which men and women are treated and the degree of corupcy in this particular nation is simply too much. I won't go into the political inquiries but I will go over the thing that outraged me by far the most: the webcams market.
Did you know that even sex chatting with filipinos is forbidden right now there?Yup, a gal from the Philippines is forbidden to talk about more improper things such as sexual intercourse. There actually is a law that claims this. I personally feel this is gibberish and the way they are constraining people’s rights is just crazy.
First of all, you have prostitution that obviously is illegal. But did you know that prostitution is actually well accepted and practiced? Corruption makes it possible for this but let’s neglect this as I’m not going to get into it.
Previously, when the US had military bases in the Philippines, many such bars and clubs which publicized prostitution could be found. Now, because of the poverty and corrupcy, they are for the most part long gone.Currently, the few that are left are generally for tourists wanting to have low-cost sex and also with children. And that’s just sad.
Therefore, prostitution is against the law but is still practiced, ergo webcams should be illegal but accepted also, right? Well, only if you pay a certain price. And keep in mind that, you will need to pay on a lot of levels, from authorities to mayors. As an example, a friend of mine from the United States opened a Philippines sex chat firm there and kept business going quite well, not surprisingly, by having a “good touch” with the mayor. One day it occured that the mayor got substituted and with the new guy he couldn’t really get along. In other words, the new person desired more cash. my friend did not agree and so they imprisoned him, he spent many years in jail plus the mayor took over his business.
Such a business in the Philippines is worth, indeed, lots of money but not worth it.
Currently, some of these webcam services are still online and generate profits. The girls there deserve the cash, however it’s depressing to find out that a big portion of those funds is going to corrupt politicians. Needless to say, it's nothing new under the sun in any other country, however in these type of countries it's a whole lot worse.
These issues will continue to exist in the Philippines islands because the local people are powerless of changing just about anything. Their issue is the fact that they're far too scared by the corupcy, not acknowledging the power of the people.They can just pray for some outside powers to support them